Photo of the new runways at the St.Croix Valley R/C Club Field.
Photo of the new runways at the St.Croix Valley R/C Club Field.

Club Contacts

If you need training this year contact:
Ted ph. (651)338-8251
Mark ph.(651)253-3571
John Madison ph(612)845-5191



Welcome to St. Croix Valley RC Club

Check back for upcoming events.

New Members Welcome.

Upcoming Events


The lawn mower and pull behind have been repaired by Mike and Mark. This winter we will replace the other bearings. It should hold up for the rest of the season, hopefully.

The field is in pretty good shape so get out and get some flying in before winter is here.

The next scheduled meeting is on September 14th at the flying field at 6:00pm. We will be talking about our October bonfire flyin at the meeting.

Mark R.